
(updated 更新)Y2Y Champ First Stage 初賽 - Start List 出發名單


請注意: 由於小部分賽員的組別有誤,導致要從新編排所有出發時間及賽員編號,請再次查閱。不便之處敬請原諒!
ATTENTION PLEASE. Since some competitors' classes was wrong in the previous start list, we have to reset all start time and start number. Please kindly check again and accept our apologies.

Those competitors who applied for the wrong classes have been adjusted according to the table below. If there is any problem, please send an email to y2y_orienteers@yahoo.com.hk asap.
MC, WC: born after 1997.1.1 以後出生
MB, WB: born after 1993.1.1 以後出生
MA, WA: born after 1989.1.1 以後出生

根據漁護署消息, 比賽當日將有另一大型活動在荃錦舉行,預計51號巴士將嚴重供不應求,建議參賽者乘搭的士。
According to the AFCD, there will be another big event at Tsuen Kam Au. We suggest you to take the taxi instead of bus.
